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Wht's EKP

What is EKP

At EKP, we plan, manage, promote and operate the ports and recreational nautical installations of Euskadi and the associated services.

Euskadiko Kirol Portua, S.A. (EKP) is a Basque Government-owned company set up in 2000 to manage all the marinas and jetties of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (ACBC). After all these years EKP is characterised by a management system based on the principles of all-round quality, environmental sustainability, equality and social responsibility. It strives to achieve social integration for recreational sailing, and to contribute to the social and economic development of port facilities.

Between the marinas and jetties of Molla-Hondarribia, Hondarribia, Donostia, Orio, Getaria, Deba, Mutriku, Mundaka, Bermeo, Armintza and Plentzia there are over 3500 moorings for vessels with lengths ranging from 6 to 16 m, and a total of 28,000 m3 of technical areas for repairs and wintering.


Public entity attached to the Department of Food, Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government.

Hondarribia, Donostia, Orio, Getaria, Deba, Mutriko, Lekeitio, Mundaka, Bermeo, Armintza and Plentzia.

At EKP we manage the marinas of Molla-Hondarribia, Hondarribia, Donostia, Orio, Getaria, Deba, Mutriku, Mundaka, Bermeo, Armintza and Plentzia.

  • Excellence in management

    EKP strives to stand out in terms of management excellence. With an all-round management system based on criteria of environmental sustainability, continuous improvement, gender equality and social responsibility.

  • 100% Occupation

    Today, practically 100% of the ports managed by EKP are occupaied.

  • Transparency

    The Company's style of management is charaterised by transparency and providing continuous and personalised customer service.

Social responsibility means seeking to extent the potential of marinas to the public in general. In this regard, at EKP we are acutely aware that we must seek to make our marinas accessible ot everyone, and foster gender equality.

We help to arrange sports activities on the water at the marinas that we manage. This means not just financial cooperation but also seconding staff and facilities free of charge.

EKP aspires to work under the tourist policies implemented by the Basque Government and to forge close links with local and cross-border organisations so as to strengthen the role of our marinas as a gateway for water-borne and sporting tourism. Marinas as a gateway to our country. Our marinas can boast around 2500 stopovers by vessels in transit and more than 4000 overnight stays, which means that over 10,000 people arrive in our country via our marinas. This trend is on the increase. Vessels from France, the UK and the Nordic countries stop in at our marinas on their voyages.

Logo Basque Maritime Forum

Basque Maritime Forum

The Basque Maritime Forum was established as a non-profit-making organisation, which includes companies, associations, banks, research centres and universities, in 1993 and was officially recognised as a Priority Cluster by the Basque Government in 1999. The BMF’s mission is to represent, defend, consolidate, promote and improve the competitiveness of the companies in the Basque maritime sector.



We have been members of APPA (Association of Nautical-Recreational Ports of the Atlantic) since 2008, to help establish contacts and develop joint initiatives for providing our clients with services.

Passeport Escales

Passeport Escales

The Passport stopovers is THE guide for sailors. It offers a range of almost one hundred ports where you can stay on the east and south-east coasts of Great Britain, in France, and in Spain and Italy. The idea behind the Passport is simple: provide you the details of your cruise and are then provided with information about overnight stay options at the ports you are planning to call at.


North Marinas

A network of marinas in the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia which has enabled the “NAVEGA EL CAMINO – SAIL THE WAY” initiative to be set up.